empty your medicine cabinet

say goodbye to side effects


select from our favourites ✦ see what you can transform

auradote is for seekers of an energetic antidote.

tools to awaken your healing power and achieve lasting results with healthcare independence.

skin care by multireflex

make breakthroughs, end breakouts

auradote academy

we offer cool products but how do they actually work? take a dive into our academy to find out



online classes

kind words

big yin/yang hammer ♦ nº430

This tool feels so delightful!!! I look forward to using it for years to come. Whether it’s for myself, family members, or clients, everyone enjoys this tool!

Emily K.

Facial Reflexology Foundations ♦ 10hr mini-course

Incredible on every level: the content and detail included throughout the course is vast, and is one of the most in-depth online courses (especially with it being introductory!) that I've had the pleasure to take. So many questions are answered throughout, and, for someone that did not necessarily 'believe' or understand/appreciate the more holistic side of things, I am now hooked. I'm looking forward to pursuing further training and seeing where it takes me!

Ian S.

yin rake ✦ nº416

My clients love the feel of the Yin Rake during scalp treatments! Even my rambunctious 10 month old sat still for me to use it on him.

Hannah L.

belief in better care

we are an "out there" family business, that believes in weird wellness. you probably have seen our type walking the streets - enjoying structured water, eating non-toxic organics, using high purity supplements and asking "don't wifi signals have at least SOME affect on my brain and mood"

what we believe is still missing are effective therapeutic alternatives for everyday health concerns.

thankfully with auradote we get to share the secret weapons our eclectic founder friends have created to open flow, clarity and the empowerment that your miracle machine deserves "aka your body"